
IP change

What was at first a trivial “move the server to a new location” turned into hijinks today as it refused to boot up.  We’ve fixed the problem, but because we were offline for about 40 minutes, the IP address lease ran out, and we were assigned a new one.

Dammit. 🙁

So use the hostname or memorize the new IP.  Sorry!


player shops

You can set up player shops now (thanks be to the authour of iConomy).

See /warp mntc for an example of a working shop, or /spawn for a non-working but valid shop.

From the instructions:

Creating shop sign

In-game create a sign, on the second line you must but only “buy” or “sell” without the parenthesis. On the third line you put the itemID and the amount for every transaction. On the fourth line you put the price of each transaction.

It will look like so:

1 10

Click “Done”, and it should create the shop, you will now be buying 10 (stone) at 10 coin per transaction. Replace “buy” with “sell” for a selling sign.

To show users how much you currently have in stock, place a sign anywhere around the base sign. must be touching the base sign however and it will update that sign with stock information.

Using shop sign

Go up to the sign, if you are the owner you can add stock by clicking the “sell” sign with the item in your inventory to add to the stock. Make sure that you have nothing in your hand, click the sign (left) and it will either a) tell you an error or b) give you the item or sell it depending on the sign you are clicking.


lag issues

The lag issues every minecraft server has been experiencing the last two weeks are most likely the result of lighting issues in certain map areas.

If the server is experiencing lag issues, everyone should immediately return to /spawn.  If a particular area is obviously causing issues, let us know on the forums and try to spread the word to keep clear of that area.

On our map, Skyland and Hell are two VERY obvious problem areas.  Avoid those.


Enabled Craftbook

Craftbook is nifty:

  • Openable fence gates
  • Elevators (with buttons)
  • leaf blocks now drop apples!
  • Bookshelves now have text (you can’t edit them, sadface)
  • area light switch
  • some “cauldron” recipes (seems pretty harmless).


  • Updated to Notch server 0.2.3,
  • moved the entire server tree to a ramdisk instead of just the world directory,
  • put in a plugin to notify when server saves happen,
  • Added a change to the Minecraft server process that should run it at higher scheduling priority, set it to re-prioritize every 15 minutes just in case the server restarts.

Looks good so far, with 1 user the server is going at 10% CPU instead of the 50%+ it was using before.


Logged Blocks

I implemented the LogBlocks plugin yesterday.  Now, (members+) can use a wooden pickaxe to access the change history of a particular block, going back to November 2nd.

I’ll probably trim out entries older than 14 days or so, since it uses 30mb/day, approximately.


Currency system test

I’m installing iConomy to try it out.  Give it a shot.  Maybe it’ll suck, maybe it won’t.


lag issues

Well, apparently quite a few servers are having lagspike issues right now.   CPU load is spiking up to high values and causing problems with server unresponsiveness, periodically.





Installed Towny – give it a try!


Surprise Update

Hint: It’s dangerous to go alone.  Here, take this.